


Lecturer | California State University Channel Islands

dorothy.horn@csuci.edu | (805) 279-7491 | www.dorothyhorn.org



Portland State University

Doctor of Philosophy, Earth, Environment & Society  2021

“Ecological Exposure and Effects of Microplastics along the Pacific coast”


California State University Channel Islands, Camarillo, CA

Bachelor of Science: Environmental Science & Resource Management, Minor: Biology 2016



United States Marine Corps

Honorable Discharge 2001



Lecturer, Environmental Science and Resource Management, California State University    Channel Islands



2022 – Current Research Associate, B.E.A.C.O.N., CSU Channel Islands

2018 – 2022 Graduate Research Fellow, National Science Foundation

2019 – 2020 Education Project Assistant, Hatfield Marine Science Center

2019 – 2023 Research Associate, Keiki Kohola Project

2017 – 2018 Graduate Teaching Assistant, Portland State University

2017 – 2017 Park Ranger, US Fish & Wildlife Service

2016 – 2017 Lab Assistant, UC Santa Barbara SONGS Project

2016 – 2016 Team Research Coordinator, UC Los Angeles Coastal Access

2015 – 2016 GIS Analyst, CSU Channel Islands/National Park Service

2016 – 2016 Snowy Plover Field Monitor, Ormond Beach Audubon



Thesis & Dissertation

D.A Horn,  E.L. Granek and C.L. Steele.  Impacts of Environmentally-Relevant Concentrations of Polyethylene Rope on Pacific Mole Crab (Emerita analoga)Development and Lifespan.  This article is an invited paper to the Special Issue: Microplastics in Marine and Freshwater Organisms: Presence and Potential Effects. Limnology and Oceanography Letters Invited (2019)


D.A. Horn,  M.R. Miller, S. Anderson, C.L. Steele.  Microplastics are ubiquitous on California beaches and enter the coastal food web through consumption by Pacific mole crabs Marine Pollution Bulletin (2019)



Refereed Articles & Book Chapters

Jennifer F. Provencher, Sarah Y. Au, Dorothy Horn, Mark L. Mallory, Tony R. Walker, Joshua Kurek, Lisa M. Erdle, Judith S. Weis, and Amy Lusher. Animals and microplastics: ingestion, transport, breakdown, and trophic transfer. Polluting Textiles: The Problem with Microfibres. Routledge. Weis, J. S., De Falco, F., & Cocca, M. (Eds.). (2022)

Hardy, Carole Lee; de Rivera, Catherine E.; Bliss-Ketchum, Leslie L.; Butler, Eric; Dissanayake, Sahan; Horn, Dorothy; Huffine, Benjamin; Temple, Amanda; Vermeulen, Michael & Wallace, Hailey. A framework for transformative change for functional urban ecosystems: incorporating ecosystem connectivity into planning for livable cities. Ecology and Society (2022)


Butler, Eric; Bliss-Ketchum, Leslie; de Rivera, Catherine; Dissanayake, Sahan; Hardy, Carole; Horn, Dorothy; Huffine, Ben; Temple, Amanda; Vermeulen, Michael; and Wallace, Hailey. The Ecosystem Services of Connectivity (2022)


Jennifer F. Provencher, Garth A. Covernton, Rhiannon C. Moore, Dorothy A. Horn,

Jeremy L. Conkle, Amy L. Lusher.  Proceed with caution: The need to raise the publication bar for microplastics research. Science of the Total Environment (2020)


Amy L Ehrhart, Elise F Granek, Max Nielsen-Pincus, Dorothy Horn. Drug take-back boxes affect customer behavior and pharmacist recommendations regarding leftover drug disposal. Environmental Health Perspectives (2020)


Amy Valine, Ashley Peterson, Dorothy Horn, Kaegan Scully-Engelmeyer, Elise Granek. Microplastic Prevalence in Four Oregon Rivers. Environmental Toxicology and Chemistry Environmental Science and Technology (2020)


Britta Baechler, Cheyenne Stienbarger, Dorothy Horn, Jincy Joseph, Alison Taylor, Elise Granek, Susanne Brander.  Current Evidence; This article is an invited paper to the Special Issue: Microplastics in Marine and Freshwater Organisms: Presence and Potential Effects. Limnology and Oceanography Letters Invited (2019)


M.R. Miller, D.A. Horn, C.L. Steele, S. Anderson, C. Hanna. Ventura County Marine Debris Trends:30 Years of Change on Mainland and Channel Island Beaches. Western North American Naturalist Volume 78, Number 4 (2018)


Manuscripts in Preparation

R Cartwright, Ed Lyman, A Venema, J Curie, S. Stacks, D Horn. Tending the sick;      Observations of epimeletic behavior in humpback whales, Megaptera novaeangliae, directed towards entangled conspecifics.  (In Review)



Dorothy Horn, Clare Steele, Abie Ilias, Jackelyn Lang, Jenessa Gjeltema and Catherine de Rivera. Anthropogenic pollution effects on Pacific mole crabs (Emerita analoga) predator avoidance behavior and reproductive output. (2023)


Dorothy Horn ,Karol Ulate, Paolo Morales-Vásquez, Katherine Coy-Peña, Joseph Gayaldo, Elise Granek, Jerry Keir,  Donald Rodriguez, Catherine de Rivera. Microplastic contamination in nearshore fish and crabs along Tamarindo Bay, Costa Rica. (2023)


Dorothy Horn, Steve Rumrill, Elizabeth Perotti, Abie Illias, Clare Steele, Catherine deRivera. Diversity of microplastic types and partitioning withing body parts of Dungeness Crab (Metacarcinus magister). (2023)


Conference Proceedings

Dorothy A. Horn, Elise F. Granek, Clare Steele. Impacts of polyethylene rope on development of Pacific mole crabs

2020 Ocean Sciences

2019 Pacific Northwest Society of Environmental Toxicology and Chemistry

2018 Western Society of Naturalists

2018 Society of Environmental Toxicology and Chemistry


D.A. Horn,  M.R. Miller, S.Anderson, C.L.Steele. Microplastics are ubiquitous on California beaches

  • Ocean Sciences Meeting

2017  Oregon School of Science and Technology

  • Western Society of Naturalists
  • California Channel Islands Symposium

2016  Southern California Academy of Sciences



2019 Student Education & Travel Award $500

Impacts of polypropylene microplastics on Pacific mole crabs

2018 National Science Foundation Graduate Research Fellowship  $150,000

Impacts of Microplastics: Effects on near shore food chain

2018 Ed & Olive Bushby Scholarship $2000

Impacts of Microplastics: Effects on near shore food chain

2017 Ed & Olive Bushby Scholarship $2000

Impacts of Microplastics: Effects on near shore food chain

2017 Student Education & Travel Award $500

Pervasive Microplastics in the Sandy Beach Ecosystem

2016 Water Resources Experiential Learning USDA Careers $5000

Pervasive Microplastics in the Sandy Beach Ecosystem



2020 Leadership in Sustainability Portland State University

2018 & 2019 Outstanding Service award Portland State University

2017 People’s Choice Poster State of the Coast

2016 Best Student Presentation Southern California Academy of Sciences


Education presentations

The plastic problem. In-class oral presentation and laboratory activity:

2019 Portland State University Oceans & Society course

2019 Portland State University Teaching Everyday science course

2018 Portland State University Environmental Science Freshman Inquiry course

2017 Beaverton, OR School of Science & Technology


Research Presentations

Dorothy A. Horn, Elise F. Granek, Clare Steele. Impacts of polyethylene rope on development of Pacific mole crabs

2020 Ocean Sciences

2019 Pacific Northwest Society of Environmental Toxicology and Chemistry

2018 Western Society of Naturalists

2018 Society of Environmental Toxicology and Chemistry


D.A. Horn  M.R. Miller, S. Anderson, C.L. Steele.  Microplastics are ubiquitous on California beaches and enter the coastal food web through consumption by Pacific mole crabs

2018 Ocean Sciences Meeting

2017 Oregon School of Science and Technology

2016 Western Society of Naturalists

2016 California Channel Islands Symposium

2016 Southern California Academy of Sciences


Invited Community Presentations

2018-2020 Oregon Zoo – Education Program

2019 National Park service – Lower Columbia River Watershed council

2019 Lower Nehalem, Neskowin Watershed council

2019 Hatfield Science on Tap October

2018-2019 Oregon CoastWatch Conference

2019 Oregon Shores Community Action Meeting

2018 Cape Perpetua Marine Reserve

2017-2019 Surfrider Portland Chapter October

2017 Cabrillo National Monument, National Park Service

2016 Ventura County Surfrider


Scientific Research Posters

D.A. Horn  M.R. Miller, S. Anderson, C.L. Steele.  Microplastics are ubiquitous on California beaches and enter the coastal food web through consumption by Pacific mole crabs

2018 International Marine Debris Conference

2017 State of the Coast

2016 SAGE Undergraduate Research Conference

2016 Ventura Audubon Presentation

2016 CSU Chancellor’s Conference

2015 Western Society of Naturalists



Organized and Facilitated

2020 Ocean Sciences

2019 Western Society of Naturalists

2019 Pacific Northwest Society of Environmental Toxicology and Chemistry



Cal Poly San Luis Obispo:

2022-2023 Committee member – Graduate Student on Microplastic prevalence and effects

2022-2023 Mentoring 3 undergraduate students on Microplastic methods, data and effects


CSU Channel Islands:

2022-2023 Mentored multiple undergraduate students on Capstone projects, data analysis, thesis writing and poster presentations.


Portland State University:

2017-2020 Mentored 4 Female Undergraduate students from Louis Stokes Association for Minority Participation in STEM – Led to 1 published article with students as first and second authors, Second article in prep with third student and fourth student .

2017-2020 Mentored 12 Highschool students in STEM participation of science presentations and experiments from Local Portland schools




California State University Channel Islands

Environmental Science and Resource Management

Intro GIS, Intermediate GIS, The Beach (Spring 2022)

The Beach (Fall 2022)

The Beach, Data Analytics (Spring 2023)

Intro Environmental Science, Human Geography (Summer 2023)

The Beach, Intro Environmental Science (Fall 2023)



Article NSF Graduate Research Fellowship Awarded 

Article Microplastic Impacts in Sand Crabs – Astorian

Article Microplastic Talk in Newport News

Article Oregon Public Broadcasting – Microplastics in Oregon’s rivers

Television Special Microplastics in Oregon’s Rivers?

Article Cosmos Article on Pollutant Research

Article Ventura County Star Story about my research on Pervasive Plastics in SandCrabs 

Article CSUCI News on Microplastics in Sand Crabs

Article Ventura County Reporter on Microplastics




2023 Data analysis for Maui Nui Marine Resource Council Water Quality

2022 Coastal access data analysis and collection for Surfrider Maui

2016 – 2019 Beach clean-up lead for Surfrider Oregon



2020-2023 S.A.C.N.A.S

2019-2023 NOAA – Marine Debris Educators working group committee

2019-2022 NOAA – Oregon Marine Debris Action planning committee – scientific liaison

2017-2023 Society of Environmental Toxicology and Chemistry

2017-2020 Ecological Society of America

2017-2023 Pacific Estuarine Research Society

2017-2020 Association of Environmental Science Student leader


Dr. Catherine de Rivera, Portland State University 971-678-1575 derivera@pdx.edu

Renee Fowler, Hatfield Marine Science Center, 541-867-0226, renee.fowler@oregonstate.edu

Dr. Clare Steele, CSU Channel Islands  (650) 283-4671 clare.steele@csuci.edu

Dr. Steve Rumrill, Oregon Dept Fish Wildlife (541) 867-4741 steven.s.rumrill@state.or.us

Michael Brady, USFWS michael_brady@fws.gov

Joseph Brandt, USFWS (805) 827-1971 joseph_brandt@fws.gov















